Sociodemographic data

Population data related to territorial units

Sociodemographic data represents an extensive data set about the composition of the population, their demographic and socioeconomic characteristics. Population data are complemented by information about the houses, flats and housing standards. Attributes are filled in administrative units of the country.

Sociodemografická data
Map layers with sociodemographic data can provide important information in the following areas:
  • Targeting to specific segment of the population according to territorial units (according to population, age structure, highest educational attainment and others).
  • Business development on the basis of information about employment in various sectors.
  • Effective estimation of the number of potential recipients of advertising, estimation of the leaflet campaign extent thanks to attributes about the number of flats with private households.
  • Overview of the structure and age of the houses allows you to reveal a newly developed areas with conversely very old buildings.
  • Information about the structure of commuting to work can be helpful to many sectors such as transportation with public agencies.


Census - data from Census

Census 2011 contains a comprehensive data set about the population, demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, supplemented by an information about the housing standards and the structure of the houses and flats.

Data was collected through Census 2011 and represents a package of demographic information about population for the next decade. Census is an essential source to identify demographic and other trends in society for its long historical continuity and periodicity. Census takes place once every 10 years in Czech and Slovak republic.
We offer more than 160 attributes containing information about the population and housing structure. Attributes are filled in map layers of certain administrative units including the micro levels such as Basic settlement areas. Overview of the attributes can be found below in the specifications section for both Czech and Slovak republic.

Data can be displayed in GIS tools in a limitless number of combinations. The picture shows number of population and age structure.


Data can be used as a basis for population analyses. Data can help companies to identify focus areas and directions where they could spread their business activities.

Czech geographical lexicon of municipalities

Geographic lexicon contains municipality and city district levels. Lexicon provides information about the total population number and population in working age. Additional data covers commuting to work and school and other information about community amenities. On request we can prepare vector layers of higher administrative units with the same attributes.

Geographic lexicon is available for the Czech Republic only and is an important source of basic sociodemographic data in the years when the data from the Census becomes obsolete.

The picture shows the analysis of commuting to school and occurrence of school in the certain municipality.

Czech statistical microregions

Product Statistical microregions of Czech Republic contains map layer of the smallest territorial units. They are compositional into basic settlement units, cadastral territories and municipality parts. Statistical microregions continuously cover the entire area of Czech Republic. They provide selected information about population structure derived from Census 2011 and population register data from Ministry of Interior valid as of 31. 12. 2012.

The current "about territory" information contain attributes such as number of buildings, appartment buildings, vacation properties, summer cottages, number of flats and number of inhabited flats. Another useful information is number of addresses with predominant postal code of the microregion.
Map layer of statistical microregions is useful for detailed spatial and database visualization and analysis. It provides suitable basis for spatial planning at regional and national level and information source for effective decision making of private companies and government institutions.


Czech Republic

Attributes (Census)
  • Population according to a habitual and permanent residence.
  • Citizenship - CZE, SK, other EU countries.
  • Religion.
  • Age structure - category male/female 0-14, 15-64, 65+, further breakdowns after fifteen-year group and five-year age groups (under 20 years more detailed breakdown).
  • Marital status - single, married, divorced, widowed.
  • Education - primary, secondary, secondary with GCSE, high school, university.
  • Economic activity - total economically active, employed, students, women on maternity leave.
  • Employment in the economic sectors - construction, industry, business.
  • Commuting to work and school.
  • Employment status - employees, employers, own-account workers.
  • Population according to type of living - houses and flats, family houses, accommodation facilities, outside the flat.
  • The basic attributes - total number of houses, family houses, occupied houses, residential houses.
  • Ownership - individual, community / state housing cooperative.
  • Period of construction with reconstruction - 1919 and earlier, 2001 to 2011, the average age.
  • Number of floors.
  • The basic attributes - total number of flats, occupied dwellings, flats according to inhabited space.
  • Tenure status.
Atributy Statistické mikroregiony
  • Population - number of inhabitants from Census 2001.
  • Population with permanent residence - number of inhabitants according to their permament residence from Census 2001.
  • Population with habitual residence - number of inhabitants accoording to their habitual residence from Census 2011.
  • Registered population - number of  inhabitants registered by the Ministry of the Interior valid as to 31. 12. 2012.
    Houses and flats
  • Total addresses - total number of addresses, where one building can belong to multiple addresses (eg. large building with multiple entrances).
  • Appartment buildings - number of building with multiple entrances with several flats accessible from a common hallway with stairway, not a house.
  • Buildings for short-term accomodation - includes hotels, inpatient treatment facilities such as hospitals, health institutions, recreational facilities, humanitarian centers, refugee camps, hostels etc. does not include cottages.
  • Buildings with house number - number of bulding with house number, does not include building with registration with replacement number.
  • Building with numbers- number of buildings with house, registrarion with replacement number.
  • Total flats - number of permanently inhabited flats, unhabited flats and flats temporarily released for purposes other than housing.
  • Inhabited flats - number of flats where at least one person reported permanent residence.
  • Individual recreation - number of recreational objects.
    Another attributes
  • Predominant postal code - predominant postal code of buldings with house with registration number.
  • Overlap on the territory of another municipality - due to overlaps of municipality parts on the territory of another municipality with cadastre, there is a distinstion between administrative and territorial jurisdiction of statistical microregion into basic settlement units and parent units. For this reason there is attribute filled with the value "A" and classifies statistical microregions where land territorially belongs. Statistical microregions without this value are included in municipality parts and cadastre according administrative classification.
  • Registry office - belonging to the registry office.
  • Building authority - belonging to the bulding authority.
  • Tax office - belonging to the tax office.

MapInfo TAB with ESRI SHP. We are able to convert data to other GIS formats per request.

Coordinate systems

S-JTSK, WGS-84 with UTM


Census once in 10 years, selected data (Geographical lexicon) once per year.


  • Population - total number of population, men, women.
  • Age structure - 0-5, 6-14, 15-24, 25-39, 40-54, 55-64, 65+, division by five-year age groups (under 20 years more detailed).
  • Marital status - single, married, divorced, widowed.
  • Education - primary, secondary, secondary with GCSE, high school, university.
  • Computer skills - working with word processing, spreadsheets, e-mail, Internet.
  • Occupied houses / flats - total number, family houses, occupied dwellings.
  • Equipped with computer and Internet access - occupied dwellings in family houses and occupied dwellings.

Other attributes can be provided on the basis of a specific agreement with the customer and per request.


MapInfo TAB with ESRI SHP. We are able to convert data to other GIS formats per request.

Coordinate systems

S-JTSK, WGS-84 with UTM


Once in 10 years

Other countries

Due to the extensive network of our partners abroad, we are able to provide sociodemographic data not only for the neighbouring countries, but also for a large part of the world. The level of available detail may vary for different countries.