Administrative data of the country suitable for all kind of geographical visualization and data analysis. Usable for creation of custom areas.
Map of postcode areas and points suitable for all kind of geographical visualization and data analysis linked to the postal code and addresses.
An extensive summary of the statistical data about population, houses and flats from Census in administrative units of the country.
Information about purchasing power and expenditure potential of the population useful for marketing and business development activities.
Map layer of public transport and suburban transport stops / hubs complemented by a variety of interesting descriptive attributes such as number of links, connections etc.
Vector layers containing road and street networks usable for the geographic analysis, planning and optimization purposes incl. catchment areas.
Map layers of points of interest (POI) useful for geographic visualization and analysis of different sectors (retail, finance, health care etc.).
Point layers of buildings with their official addresses intended for the implementation of strategic marketing and business analysis.
Unique polygon layer of squares 100 x 100 meters covering the whole territory of the Czech Republic. Squares contain information about population.
The underlying raster maps and access to tile servers without database attributes are used mainly as a background layers for visualization.
Raster and vector maps of Europe and other countries in the world widely usable within geographic information systems such as MapInfo Pro.